We predict workplace performance. Simply put, we know how and why people behave the way they do. We know if people will align with your organization, if they will meet the job requirements, and how they will perform. Our assessments provide insight into three big questions:   


1. What do people want? – Understanding employee values is key to creating an engaged and motivated workforce. 

2. How will they get what they want? – Bright-side (or everyday) personality characteristics predict success in careers, relationships, education, and life. 

3. What will get in their way? – When people stop self-monitoring, strengths can become weaknesses. If these dark-side personality characteristics go unrecognized, they can derail careers.

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Hogan’s comprehensive approach to personality assessment provides the depth and detail needed to hire the right employees, identify and develop talented individuals, and build better leaders. Using the science of personality, we can help you solve everyday talent management challenges. Because the test publishing business is unregulated and has few barriers to entry, the assessment marketplace is full of solutions that make big claims but lack sound psychometric foundations. For decades, Hogan has built a reputation for practicality, validity, and experience. 


1. Practicality – Our assessments predict occupational performance. Based on sound theoretical foundations, we evaluate cross-culturally relevant attributes that are important for career success. 

2. Validity – Validity is about prediction. Our assessments predict outcomes that matter to our clients, and all of our validity claims are backed by publicly available data, technical reports, and professional publications. 

3. Experience – Hogan has assessed millions of working adults and maintains the industry’s largest archive of work-related research, affording access to hundreds of real-world validity studies that demonstrate how our assessments predict performance. 

Hogan’s products provide an objective lens for understanding people. Our product portfolio addresses every important talent management initiative. From talent acquisition to executive development and everything in between, we have a solution to maximize performance across organizations. 


1. Talent Acquisition – Our personality assessments predict performance so you can select the right candidate for every role—without bias. 

2. Talent Development – Assessments cultivate strategic self-awareness so employees, leaders, and your business will all reach their highest potential. 

Our products are powered by our core assessments (HPI, HDS, MVPI) and tailored to the unique needs of your business. We don’t merely administer assessments; we help you identify your company’s needs and design long-term solutions, and we provide personal support through our team of consultants.  


1. The Bright Side – The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) concerns the bright side of personality — the everyday characteristics that influence a person’s ability to get along with others and achieve career goals. Whether you want to find the right hire or develop stronger leaders, the HPI provides valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.


2. The Dark Side – The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) explores the dark side of personality — unconscious tendencies that emerge under stress or pressure and limit career potential. By assessing dark-side personality characteristics, you can recognize potential weaknesses before they become a problem.


3. The Inside – The Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) evaluates the inside of personality — the core motives, values, and unconscious biases that determine the kinds of jobs and work environments in which people will succeed. Motives and values define our personal goals and objectives, the life outcomes that we either desire or seek to avoid. The MVPI will help you understand what motivates P9 your employees to succeed. 


Hogan’s online, nonproctored assessments are easy to administer and engaging for participants. Available in 51 languages, our assessments are uniquely positioned for use around the globe. 

The Hogan assessments help individuals by facilitating strategic self-awareness. Understanding the underlying work style traits, core values, and derailment risks that may impact behavior allows one to manage his/her behavior to increase workplace success. The Hogan assessments help organizations by identifying characteristics that may impact an individual’s job performance as well as his/her fit within a particular role, team, or organizational culture. 

No talent management initiative is too big or too small — our off-the-shelf and custom solutions are designed with your unique business needs in mind. We can offer you data-driven talent insights to achieve a wide range of talent objectives:


  • Predict job performance – hire people whose personalities, work styles, and values are suited to the role, team, and organization.
  • Evaluate career derailers – identify and mitigate behaviors that can degrade leadership success, erode relationships, and damage professional reputation.
  • Identify high potentials – find and develop your organization’s next generation of top talent.
  • Develop leaders – leverage the strategic self-awareness gained through Hogan’s assessment process with executive development and coaching.
  • Cultivate an inclusive culture – help employees and leaders understand their behavioral tendencies, and how those are shaped by their values, motives, and unconscious biases.
  • Boost employee retention – know which candidates will be able to reskill and upskill when needed and give incumbents the development opportunities they need to succeed.
  • Improve your organizational reputation – stand out as an attractive employer in a competitive talent market.


how can we help you?

If you have questions or require more information about our services.

I believe the best consulting and learning solutions should strongly be supported by 3 pillars:

We exist and strive to make an impact through human capital solutions:

1. World-class thinking process and research base solution
2. Practical, through the test of time and test of the leading organization
3. Insightful, each engagement is different and success lies under understanding each client and their operating cultures

Staff 4
Dr.Nattavut Kulnides
Founder & CEO, ADGES

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